Children's welcome
Hello there,
Have you ever passed our school and wondered what it is like? We think it is one of the best schools ever and can’t be beaten. Let us tell you something about it: it’s amazing!
Learning at Manor Field is never boring; it’s fun and interesting. Our learning is project-based, which means our teachers make links within our learning. Learning through topics and using lots of resources makes learning more real. It’s fun to learn here: the teachers care about us and help to make our learning enjoyable.
We have more school trips than other schools as these help our understanding of the wider world. For example, when Year 5 study conservation, they go to Marwell Zoo. Year 4 go to Ufton Court when learning about the Anglo Saxons and Scots. We visit the British Museum in Year 6 to support our understanding of Ancient civilisations. When you see or do something, it’s first-hand so you kind of live it.
We are proud of our Rights-Respecting Education: we learn about articles from the United Nations Convention of the Rights of the Child (UNCRC), as well as ensuring that our ethos is one of mutual respect.
At Manor Field, we learn about the rights of other children and you learn about things that will keep you safe, in and out of school, including with Online Safety. We learn that we have responsibilities and this helps us improve our own lives and that of others. We work as a team and often organise fun events, like our Easter Egg Hunt and the Summer Fair with Manor Field Infant School as we see ourselves as one big team!
At break, we are given choices; you can stay in or go outside and at lunchtimes, we have a range of activities to choose from so it isn’t boring. In the winter, we even have “Cold Club”, where we can choose to stay in the warm. Choosing different activities shows that the staff trust us and we are responsible. On Friday, we have clubs led by year 6 Lunch leaders, which are really fun and every day, Miss Rock organises games. We can visit the Mocktail Bar, our school library, and take part in numerous activities which are really fun too! Older children help younger children and our School Agreement makes sure everyone knows what is expected.
If people fall out with friends, adults deal with this brilliantly and try to make it more positive. One Year 3 pupil said, “We learn the Manor Field way of life!” Like all schools, very occasionally, we may have to deal with bullying - but this is dealt with fairly and immediately. The staff listen to all viewpoints and each side of the story so we can resolve the problem and sometimes, this means we might involve parents.
At Manor Field, there is a “have a go" culture in the school and an ethos that we "learn from our mistakes". One pupil said, “When I am solving things in Maths, sometimes I get it wrong, but that can be good as it helps me learn and understand what to do next time”. In fact, whilst we are talking about Maths, it is never “boring”. For example, we may go outside and use chalk to round numbers to the nearest 100! Often, we work together on problem-solving strategies and play games that will support our mathematical understanding.
We are encouraged to be independent, and to learn to make decisions on our own, but to know that we can ask for help from a friend or adult. Independent learners are organised, can select their own resources and manage their time so they get the task done! If you come to our school, you will be inspired to become curious, as we are encouraged to find out information and knowledge. Because we want to know about the future and the way of life, we ask questions and want to know more.
Manor Field learners are resilient (or we try to be!). This means if we get stuck we don’t give up. We won’t always have our mum or dad to help us so we have to learn to do it ourselves. Our teachers, and LSAs, help us by giving us challenges.
If you want to know more about Manor Field, the most amazing school, come and meet us! The School Community Relations Team will love to show you around.