Equality and Rights Advocates
The Equality and Rights Advocates (EARA) have been selected by their peers to promote the Equality Act (2010) and the Rights of the Child (UNCRC).
"Everyone should have the same rights so they can enjoy their education and feel protected"
- A year 6 member of EARA.
EARA believe pupil voice is essential to ensure participation and engagement from all members of Manor Field. They have agreed to work as a team, together with the whole school community, to celebrate difference, take action against discrimination and prejudice, and promote equality and rights.
"All children have the right to protection against discrimination. The convention applies to everyone: whatever their race, religion or abilities, whatever they think or say, whatever type of family they come from."
Article 2, UNCRC.
"I want to represent the school, and help to make it even more equal and fair."
- A year 5 member of EARA.
"I would like to spread respect for rights across the school."
- A year 5 member of EARA.