Design and Technology
Curriculum Intent (Vision)
At Manor Field Junior School, we aim to give children the skills they will need to flourish in the wider world through real life experiences, broadening their horizons, developing their creativity and encouraging them to have high aspirations. Our DT curriculum encourages children to use their creativity and imagination to design and make products that solve real and relevant problems that draw upon the users needs, wants and values. Through DT, children draw upon other disciplines such as mathematics, science, engineering, computing and art. They learn how to take risks and problem solve in order to meet a design criterion. Through evaluation of past and present Design and Technology, children will develop a critical understanding of its impact on daily life and the wider world.
Implementation of the curriculum
The DT curriculum at Manor Field gives children the opportunity to develop skills, knowledge and understanding of designing and making functional products. DT is taught ½ termly and through an iterative design approach comprising of design, prototype, test and evaluation, children will use their creativity and imagination to solve a problem presented to them. They will continually review their progress against a design brief and where necessary, make adaptations and problem solve.
The planned DT curriculum engages children in design and technology in the following areas: structures, food, textiles, mechanical systems and electrical systems. Children will encounter each area twice so that there is an opportunity to build, progress and apply taught knowledge and skills.
Impact of our curriculum
Our aim is for children at Manor Field Juniors to:
See themselves as designers by understanding the process of DT and the importance of purpose and audience;
Be able to use fundamental DT life skills with fluency and accuracy;
Have an understanding of food processes, preparation, safety and costing to
support them in the wider world.
Children will leave our school having a basic understanding of the design process and are able to use this when creating a product. They will have experienced how to keep themselves safe when using a range of equipment and have an idea how designers have shaped the world. They will have some cooking skills, understanding how to be safe in the kitchen and how to create a balanced diet. They will have experienced maths in a real-life context to buy ingredients.