GSO Test

Equalities Objectives

At Manor Field, with our ethos underpinned by the framework of the UNCRC (United Nations Convention of the Rights of the Child), we are committed to creating a community, which promotes equality in a positive environment, where there is a shared sense of belonging, within a culture of respect and cooperation. We believe that all pupils and members of staff should have the opportunity to fulfil their potential whatever barriers they face. We welcome our duties under the Equality Act 2010 as both a provider of education and as an employer. 

Our commitment to equality and diversity is a fundamental part of our drive towards excellence.

We understand the term equality to mean not that everyone should be treated the same, but that everyone should be treated fairly.

We recognise that everyone has individual needs and that they a right to have their needs respected.

We understand the term diversity to mean that whilst our backgrounds, knowledge, skills, aptitudes and experiences are all different, these differences should be valued and appreciated.

“As principled ‘fruits’, we value diversity…” (Manor Field Junior School Agreement)


School Aims:

  • To ensure all pupils, families and staff are treated equally and that we comply with our duties under the Equality Act 2010;
  • To ensure that the framework of the UNCRC is understood by all staff, children and parents;
  • To ensure that policies, procedures and practice take into account diversity and to ensure that every effort is made to remove barriers so that there is equality for all;
  • To foster positive attitudes and relationships, and a shared sense of community cohesion, identity and belonging, ensuring that difference is appreciated and similarities are valued;
  • To promote an environment where all members of the school community can thrive;
  • To promote positive attitudes and interaction between members of the school  community, and to promote effective teamwork through mutual support and cooperation;
  • To consult with different members of the school community to ensure that different views are heard and that there is a shared sense of ownership of policies and practice “We have the right to be heard (article 12, UNCRC)” (Manor Field School Agreement);
  • To ensure that our policies and practices for all staff and potential staff throughout the employment lifecycle, i.e. from recruitment through to the cessation of employment and beyond, are applied fairly and consistently across all groups with full respect for legal rights, taking into account aspects applicable to particular groups (e.g. duty to make reasonable adjustments for disabled staff).

To view our school's Equalities Policy click here.