GSO Test

SEND - Special Educational Needs and Disabilities

At Manor Field Junior School we welcome all children and follow the local authority admissions guidance for children including those with additional needs. All staff and governors share the responsibility to ensure that the needs of all pupils are met within our school. 

Our Acting Inclusion Lead/SENCO is Julie Mancey (Natasha Solway is currently on maternity leave). Her role is to support the children with SEND, in addition to Looked After Children, children with English as an additional language, children with other vulnerabilities and children who are Talented / Academically more able.  To contact her, please phone the office on 01256 329826 or email her using the following email address:


Special Educational Needs and Disabilities Information Report:

SEND Information Report - click here.

Follow the link below to access further information regarding the services for children and young people with SEN and/or disabilities within Hampshire - click here.

The new Hampshire SENDIASS can be contacted via the website:; email: or telephone: 0808 164 15504


As a school, we are proud and excited to be embarking on a Thrive Approach.  To find out more about what Thrive is and how it can support your child, please click here.

Click here to see how you can support your child with some Thrive activities at home.

The Restaurant

Restaurant (Orchard) Lunch runs from 12:00 – 12:30pm every day.  Children are chosen to attend by the adults in school, and are then allowed to invite a guest each day.  As well as eating lunch together, we play a variety of games and take part in different activities.  There is a focus on social skills, for example: learning to take turns and to get along with others. 

Children who are chosen to attend are assessed using Thrive, The Boxall Profile and Beyond the Boxall.  This helps us to identify the specific areas of need for the individual children and allows us to structure and plan the lunchtime sessions accordingly.