GSO Test

Learning at Manor Field Junior School

At Manor Field Junior School, we are very proud of our approach to learning, which aims to develop confident and curious learners.

Curriculum Intent:

We want our pupils to be successful in the future, whatever their strengths.

At Manor Field Junior School, we have designed our curriculum with pupils’ learning and development at the centre. We believe that the curriculum is a powerful tool that fosters a love of learning and willingness to explore. Therefore, we are committed to valuing and developing key learning attributes to equip children with the skills they need to learn effectively and to have the confidence to meet the opportunities, responsibilities and experiences of adult life. Our ultimate aim is for our pupils to be successful in the future, whatever their strengths. This captures the inclusive nature of our school where children are challenged and supported. With transferable skills in English and Mathematics at the heart, we offer a curriculum that is creative and responsive to local and national stimuli. The Manor Field curriculum is carefully planned out so that children build upon knowledge and understanding and, are taught to become rights respecting citizens within the school, the local community and the wider world. As a rights respecting school, we prepare children so that they are able to make positive contributions to our society and the world around them.

Curriculum Aims & Values:

The curriculum aims at Manor Field Junior School are underpinned by our school ethos of, “We believe we can…!,” our drive and commitment to being a Rights Respecting school and our core learning attributes. Through our values, we believe that all children and adults in the school community should be valued and our differences celebrated. We aim to develop confident learners, who take ownership of their learning and are proud of their achievements at every level because their individual needs are being met. We aim to foster a culture of mutual care and respect which supports and encourages children to approach challenges positively and to learn from their mistakes. The key aims of the Manor Field curriculum are summarised below:

  • To ensure the children receive their entitlement to the National Curriculum based on the interests and experiences of children.
  • To provide the opportunity for every child to achieve the best possible progress in English, Mathematics and all areas of the wider curriculum.
  • To ensure that the curriculum recognises and celebrates diversity.
  • To actively promote Rights Respect and Responsibility through all subject areas.
  • To foster high expectations so that there is pride in achievement.
  • To ensure continuity and progression of skills across the year groups catering for pupils of all abilities and needs.
  • To use first hand experiences and plan for “active learning” opportunities, to enhance learning within a broad and balanced curriculum.
  • To relate work to the immediate environment where possible so that children gain respect for and further insight into their home town and the locality.
  • To enhance learning through a range of enrichment opportunities (our ‘Golden Thread’), including extra-curricular activities.
  • To continually develop thinking skills through an enquiry based approach to learning.
  • To provide opportunities for the pupil to develop a range of skills which will enable them to become an independent learner.
  • To promote a self-evaluative attitude to learning encouraging personal responsibility.

Curriculum organisation and planning:

Our curriculum is based on inspiring projects that children engage with half termly. Each project is linked to one of the United Nations Conventions of the Rights of the Child (UNCRC) articles and is underpinned by a central idea that children delve into and discuss; they consider the importance and impact of the article in the wider world and in the context of their own lives.

Where relevant and purposeful, real links and connections are made between subjects to enable children to apply taught skills in a variety of ways.  Over each academic year, every child has the opportunity to experience the full range of National Curriculum subjects. Our learning projects are rooted in first hand experiences and are planned to motivate and engage the pupils, whilst developing their resilience and confidence to take on new challenges. All of our project themes are carefully selected to meet the objectives of the National Curriculum in a tightly focused way, yet are matched to the interests of the child. 

We make good use of the local environment and our wider community, and encourage the children to take pride in Basingstoke.  We have links with many local businesses, churches and retail outlets, where we arrange educational visits to further enrich our curriculum.  In addition, visitors support learning in school on a regular basis, whether they be drama groups, sports coaches, other professionals or other members of our community.

Long term overviews map out the projects taught within each year and medium-term plans ensure coverage and progression of a subject.

Year 3 Overview:

Year 4 Overview:

Year 5 Overview:

Year 6 Overview:

This documentation informs short term planning known as learning journeys. Through a learning journey, the intended learning is mapped out and sequenced so that it builds on previous knowledge and understanding and is bespoke to the needs of the current cohort.

To read our full Curriculum policy, click here

Should you wish to come and talk to us to find out even more about our curriculum, please contact the office and arrange an appointment.